Thursday, July 30, 2015

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Beau Photo Supplies - Fuji Photo Walk

I helped host the first Beau Photo Supplies sponsored Fujifilm Photo Walk on Granville Island with one of the "Fuji Guys", Gord Webster and a local Fujifilm sales rep, Ramin Shahidian. Also from Beau Photo, Jason Kazuta (rentals) and Ken Shymka (pro sales) also helped out, answering questions and experimenting with Fujifilm gear. The gallery linked to above has shots that I took during the pleasant two hour outing, where lots of enthusiastic Fujiiflm "X-shooters" came to hang out, ask questions and borrow Fujifilm lenses and cameras to try out for the evening. A few people shooting with Canon and Nikon systems were there too, wondering if the Fujifilm system might be right for them perhaps…

Gord Webster set up a camera and triggered it remotely via WiFi for his "X-shooter" portrait of the participants above. A big "thank you" to Gord, Ramin and Fujifilm Canada for helping to organize this  event and for providing the huge number of loaner bodies and lenses that people eagerly shot with!

For the first hour or so of the walk, the skies were largely a hazy overcast, but when the sun broke through later, close to sunset, the light was quite nice…