Thursday, April 7, 2011


Portrait - 2002
Ingrid Katharina Mander 
May 17, 1929 - April 7, 2008

My mother passed away three years ago today, after her seven year long struggle with cancer. In some ways it feels like a lot longer ago, in other ways, it's as though it just happened last week. This blog posting is in remembrance of her. I won't say much other than give you a link to the memorial page on my website and a link to my blog entry where her sister Elisabeth, my father and I scattered her ashes off the coast of Hawaii near Milolii.

If you look at the image gallery on the Hawaii blog page, the images you see near the end are of the white coral memorial we made for her in the lava near Milolii.  Through the wizardry of Google, you can see exactly where that lava memorial is...

Coral on Lava Memorial: Google Maps Link  or  Google Earth Link (KMZ File download)

I will finish with this: one of the things I miss most about my mother, something that still occurs on a regular basis, happens when I come back after a successful day of photography. My mother used to love photography and was especially enthusiastic about my own work in later years. I would come back from a trip, or just from taking some photos around town here, and I would look forward to sending her a link to an image gallery like this, or years earlier, going over for a visit with my slides and a slide projector. She would always look at my work and praise it when she thought it was good, or critique it honestly when she didn't.

Anyway, it still happens to me that I come back from a day of shooting, and suddenly realize I am subconsciously looking forward to showing her the photos I took.


Unfortunately, I can't do that anymore...


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