Sunday, February 9, 2020

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Gallery: Hawaii 2019 - Kona Bali Kai Views

Gallery (30 images): Hawaii 2019 - Kona Bali Kai Views

On the drive back from Volcanoes National Park the previous day, I started to feel really crappy and overnight, I developed a full-on, absolutely horrible flu, which lasted the rest of the trip and then at least a week beyond after returning home. Thank goodness the coronavirus situation hadn't yet begun, since I'd then have been rather worried that I'd somehow contracted that! My dad had a flu shot, whereas I didn't, and he actually did not get sick at all thankfully. We only got out of the hotel for food today, and all I had the energy for was to head down to the beach in front of the hotel, and do some long exposures of the shoreline with 10-16 stops worth of ND filters, photograph the surfers, and then later in the evening, take photos at sunset from the rooms lanai.

Link to: All the blog posts from my 2019 Hawaii Trip


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