Sunday, January 19, 2020

Gallery: Hawaii 2019 - South of Kona

Gallery (80 images): Hawaii 2019 - South of Kona

On this day, I spent a lot of time photographing palm trees at the challenging to pronounce (a tongue-twister really) Pu'uhonua O Honaunau National Historical Park. I love palms, the spiky arcs of their fronds, their often curved and crooked trunks, and especially the shadows they cast on the ground. The last time I was at this park back in 2008, I didn't take very many photos since the one time we were there, it was mostly overcast, and I regretted at the time not being there when the weather was better. This time I made up for it, as you'll see in the gallery! Generally speaking, the weather on this Hawaii trip was fantastic, which made for many great photo opportunities.

On the last trip in 2008, I also missed out and didn't visit the St. Benedict's Catholic Church, better known as the famous "Painted Church" since my dad and my aunt went there on the day I got sick and we never went back after. This time my dad and I went there and he patiently waited while I took tons of shots inside and out. I also walked back along the road to photograph a palm tree that seemingly was confused about which way it was supposed to grow! Another shot in the gallery right after, shows a frequent occurrence on the Hawaiian Islands, where the lush tropical greenery starts climbing up and along power poles and power lines.

Later that evening after dinner, we drove down to Milolii again after dark, to visit my mom's memorial one more time and to see the solar powered LED roses lit up at night. I took a bunch of photos but my favourites were at the end, when I started using a flashlight to selectively light-paint, in order to highlight the coral stones of the memorial and the bushes in behind. I had many different versions, with a few different ones in the gallery, and my overall favourite one is shown below. The real red roses we put in the vase, the ones on the left, were already looking rather wilted after being out in the hot sun for a day. A larger version of the below shot can be seen in the gallery of course...


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